Aug 19, 2008

Prayer of Roy Lessin

This is my prayer for today:

May I purpose to have these in my life too:

Purpose to seek Him-He will be your reward.
Purpose to know Him-He will reveal Himself to you.
Purpose to follow Him-He will lead the way.
Purpose to enjoy Him-He will be your closest friend.
Purpose to praise Him-He will be your song.
Purpose to trust Him-He will be your provider.
Purpose to be totally His-He will be totally yours.

Note: R
oy Lessin co-founded DaySpring with 3 other ministers and is currently one of its senior writers. For over 34 years he has worked in this Christian company with a ministry focus. Roy's desire is for his writing to bring glory to God, to be inspired by Christ and to be used by the Holy Spirit in the encouragement of believers throughout the world.

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