Nov 23, 2008

A Prayer of Peter Marshall


Lord, forgive me that when life’s circumstances lift me to the crest of the wave, I tend to forget Thee. Yet, like an errant child, I have blamed Thee with my every failure, even as I credit myself with every success.

When my fears evaporate like the morning mist, then vainly I imagine that I am sufficient unto myself, that material resources and human resources are enough.

I need Thee when the sun shines, lest I forget the storm and the dark. I need Thee when I am popular, when my friends and those who work beside me approve and compliment me. I need Thee more then, lest my head begin to swell.

O God, forgive me for my stupidity, my blindness in success, my lack of trust in Thee. Be Thou now my Savior in success.

Save me from conceit. Save me from pettiness. Save me from myself! And take this success, I pray, and use it for Thy glory. In Thy strength, I pray.


Peter Marshall (1902–1949)


Dr Peter Marshall, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate after World War II, was the calming spiritual voice of the nation.

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1 comment:

Virginia said...

I just watched the DVD on Peter Marshall from Netflix. What a blessing to know Amazing prayers came from God through this man and prayers for the government. May we be so close and full of love for our country ( or whatever country we are in) to sense God's desire for righteousness ( and morality ) as we pray. Not sure, but there is a scripture about, " the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"...James 5:16. Dearest God we say "Yes and Amen" to all Peter Marshall's prayers for the USA and totally agree with his prayers. May they continue to be effective and avail much. in Christ's name, Amen!